Looking for a webmaster and/or graphics artists for part time work. Graphics, CSS and a good eye towards design is an absolute must. I do not care if you have job experience with them, just the ability to do it.
This is a good job for someone looking for extra cash. This is not for an internet host where you crank out templates or do webdesign for customers, you will be working for me on several sites with a stake in what they make. Pay is a flat monthly rate until the percentage earnings exceed the flat rate, at which point you will be paid solely based on profits. Hosting for yourself is included, as well as the ability to host a few extra sites on the side as long as it does not interfere with server operations.
Keep in mind, while the pay may be low right now, who knows, a year from now it could be paying your rent. For a few hours per month work, that is not bad pay for a side job, and that is exactly what I am hoping for.
Pm me if you are interested or have questions.