Others > Riding Photos

Wild Trail setups

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That's ridiculous^

InTheWoods - LOOKING REAL GOOD! Have you had a chance to hit it/see how it feels?


--- Quote from: @ss4oLe;3621006 ---Have you had a chance to hit it/see how it feels?
--- End quote ---

Not yet, I'll get on it soon though. The mixture of clay/sand is working out really well.

Here's where I rode over the New Years period.
Only got to ride 3 days about of 7, had 3 days of non stop rain.
I took this the day the rain stopped.

larger image here


these jumps were already like 10years old... like 10 years ago.
theyve changed soo much, there used to be a bunch of random jumps in the middle and a giant hook berm around the left that shot into a giant jump called the evil knevil,

those are mostly 20footers
dont pedal dont pump, easist jumps i ever rode
they just recently built a 40footer on the left.

I <3 Gore.:

--- Quote from: NZ_BMXER;3621526 ---Here's where I rode over the New Years period.
Only got to ride 3 days about of 7, had 3 days of non stop rain.
I took this the day the rain stopped.

larger image here

--- End quote ---

As sad as it sounds, I can't jump dirt when there's some deathly deep gap in between. I wish people would build like this more often.


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