Others > Riding Photos

Wild Trail setups

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Step up to berm? holy fuckness!!!

more of teacups

that pack 'around-the-world' used to run through that camp till it got rerouted

also there used to also be a family living at the top of the roll-in


--- Quote from: blueee;3631450 ---me and my neighbor have been talking bout rebuilding my jumps for years but never actually do. well yesterday we decided to...

within the 3 hours before sunset we had the whole small pack running

and all that shit grass filled dirt i used to just toss in the gaps... 7 years later, gradeA dirt!
--- End quote ---

Gotta love the built-in drainage. Looks super fun!


and his building style hasnt changed in 25 years

the only true dirtjump there. its a booster!

under the nut butt hut

linolium? really?

sure why not, if you dont go straight your gonna die anyways

last one

apparently there used to be a shit ton of bums right up there... like tents along the runway and eveything... jumps were built with their junk and tools, too :p





dont lean downhill though..

So, the dirt at our trail is horrible and full of rocks and sand. Our idea was to mix it with clay, but the clay we have available is just so dense that it's almost impossible mix in a realistic manner.

I've basically just resorted to using the bad dirt as filler and burying everything under a layer of clay. Obviously that's not ideal but it works.


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