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Wild Trail setups

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Just found out my Dad's moving to a new house that has access/ownership of a small field that he can't be arsed to do anything with, I should be able to build some jumps there :) Give me some inspiration for maximum fun in a small space! I think it's either an acre or two, which sounds more than it is I think. Annoyingly I'll be moving out soon but having jumps in pretty much my back garden for a few months will be awesome haha

Definitely a circle of hips like prettyshady joe built in his garden. I'm envious!

Ah that looks awesome! Definitely gonna have to try something like that! Anyone got any good links to trail building tips? Ive only ever made little dirt kickers before so I dunno what the best way to go about building proper doubles is.


--- Quote from: @ss4oLe on April 10, 2013, 02:26:35 PM ---The dirt jumps have been there since about '95. The skatepark is much newer.

we got a sign too! I put in HOURS of work and raise $2,200.00
$1200.00 went to a new tool box so our tools don't get ripped off and the other $1,000.00 is to spend on tools/signage.

Public trails aren't the same as 'in the woods' trails but I think they're the way of the future. And for us, it's a place to ride. :)

--- End quote ---

Thumbs up

I recently started working at this spot again. The jumps are going to get built up a lot over the next few months. I'll post some more pictures as it progresses.


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