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Wild Trail setups

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I went and checked out the perfect trails grounds today. Lots of changes in elevation (rare in Florida), fairly easy access, owned by the county (which means little oversight given that it's undeveloped), and not far from where I live. Two bummers though: it seems like transients frequent the patch and the soil is almost straight sugar sand. I knew a dh guy that built some jumps there about 4 years ago and I found their rained down remains. I wish I knew someone around here that would come out and dig with me.


--- Quote from: @ss4oLe on November 28, 2013, 05:18:21 PM ---was that landing, roller, berm pic on a pumptrack facebook page? I posted it (found it on another bmx site) awhile back on a pump track fb page. funny if you found it there and posted it here. :)

Not a wild set up, local public jumps. friend of mine, shot on his 44th birthday.

--- End quote ---

Damn. This dude looks to have Chase Hawk's steeze.

Hope to be riding like that on my 44th. That is awesome.

Not so wild yet, but slowly making progress...

You guys take the berm out? I think some folks are riding greenlake tmrw, you should come out.

Yeah, the berm is gone now. I kind of liked it, but Marco wanted to change it up. We're building a big double off to the side of the 1st jump (you can kind of see the beginning of the landing in the pictures) and a big roller to trail gap/transfer booter thing after that.

I probably can't make it over there today. Thanks for the heads up though.


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