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Wild Trail setups

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That fucker skidding on the berms needs a smack upside the head.

I want to ride there, I'm not sure what bike would be best for it though.


Someday, I want to build a spot that's small flowy dirt jumps in a pumptrack style format. Basically just a big loop with a berm and a few pumps for every jump.

S&M Trail Rider:

--- Quote from: InTheWoods on April 06, 2014, 03:20:40 AM ---
Someday, I want to build a spot that's small flowy dirt jumps in a pumptrack style format. Basically just a big loop with a berm and a few pumps for every jump.

--- End quote ---
same here, my dream is to make some trails that loop, that start from a roll in or even hipping out of a miniramp


--- Quote from: InTheWoods on April 06, 2014, 03:20:40 AM ---
Someday, I want to build a spot that's small flowy dirt jumps in a pumptrack style format. Basically just a big loop with a berm and a few pumps for every jump.

--- End quote ---


Our old set of trails, you used to be able to do that. It was basically loads of lines in one direction that all ran into the same two berms then a set running back to the start, but if you did the whole lot in one go you were knackered.


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