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Wild Trail setups

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--- Quote from: CARROTFVCKER on November 17, 2014, 08:41:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: KillSeth on November 17, 2014, 09:06:59 AM ---

--- End quote ---

damn i really wanna ride this

--- End quote ---

Talk about underground, that's just insane.


Only 2 of us down at these trails now. Where has the trail community gone in London!?

Probably doing 2mph feebles. What side of London are those trails? They look amazing

NW london, there are only two of us maintaining a line of 12 jumps. If you are ever around feel free to come in and have a play, there big, but easy

There is a video of my mate going over them on his 24'

We're stacking and packing. Strict "no photo's" policy....

We have a public park that just got 27 dump loads of dirt this winter. That place is dialed. Trail jam is this Saturday.



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