Others > Riding Photos

Wild Trail setups

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that place looks so nice, but that fence is so close to some of those jumps! Don't bail left

Been riding there 20+ years. Haven't seen anyone hit the fence.

just one of those things you get use to I suppose. Did you buy all your dirt in, why couldn't you just dig a hole ;) ?

The Greenlake BMX jumps are smack dab in the middle of a city park. We can't just go diggin' holes, etc.

The dirt was given to us from another parks area.

Hopefully there will be some pics and videos from the jam.

Was riding these a couple of days ago:

I rolled my ankle yesterday on the trails at the Ruben park - full on fucked it, ballooned up and can't walk on the second day of our trip. Ruben showed up ten minutes later and I had to sit there watching my mates session trails with my favourite rider.


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