
Author Topic: Wild Trail setups  (Read 1068041 times)

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Offline Eggit2

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« Reply #660 on: May 08, 2010, 09:17:51 PM »
Quote from: firebikesmullets;3277535
i have to agree with the people who say it's a dick move to ride other peoples trails without knowing the locals or having their consent.

let's put this into perspective.......

Q: how many of you would be cool with a complete stranger picking up your bike(that you worked hard for and paid for with your own money) while you're not around and taking it for a joy ride without your knowledge or permission? it's ok though right? because they like your bike and are having fun on it. if your wheel is already a little bent then under rotating a bunch of 360's can't hurt because, hey, the wheel was like that when they found your bike.

A: absolutely none of you would be fine with someone treating your personal property like a cheap whore.

you guys should have respected the those guys' work and left a note or came back later to meet the locals before you took advantage of their hard work.

The difference being is that trails are always a community effort, its not something that is privately owned. (except in rare cases)

Every set of trails I have built, I look at it like a community service endeavor. There is no way you can keep a public place private, and its always going to blow up. Just be respectful and others will respect you in turn.

I bet you guys act like a bouncer at a club, grilling every new face with 20 questions and judging them before they even give you a chance to show you their character. When a new face rolls up to one of my spots I greet them casually, let them know any of the rules if there are any, and tell them to fix anything they break.

Numerous times I have shown up to my own trails to see a new face there, barring the little disrespectful kids that turn every jump into a table top it has never been a problem. BMX is a community and a brotherhood, as far as I am concerned, anyone on a BMX bike is a friend until proven otherwise.

Offline wood block

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« Reply #661 on: May 08, 2010, 11:45:30 PM »
I'm sorry dude, but your a fuck

EDIT: to heykid matt

EDITedit: to eggit: Not all trails are a community effort at all, my local trails are run for the most part by 3 people. People come out and ride all the time and everyone is fine with it, It just really sucks when a lip gets completely redone and needs to dry or be packed in more and then people you don't even know come and ride it while your gone. Its just not cool to do
« Last Edit: May 08, 2010, 11:50:34 PM by wood block »
"Its riding your bike for fun. There are a couple of people out there that understand that and a lot that don\'t." - Garrett Reynolds

Offline Eggit2

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« Reply #662 on: May 09, 2010, 12:30:03 AM »
So you agree then.

You yourself said its cool when others come out and ride as long as nothing gets messed up. And even if its not a community effort its still a a project for the community. The last thing I want to do is build trails by myself and never share with them anyone, there is no fun in that. The more people that my work brings the better, so long as they are respectful.

Offline firebikesmullets

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« Reply #663 on: May 09, 2010, 12:32:38 AM »
Quote from: Eggit2;3277569
The difference being is that trails are always a community effort, its not something that is privately owned. (except in rare cases)

Every set of trails I have built, I look at it like a community service endeavor. There is no way you can keep a public place private, and its always going to blow up. Just be respectful and others will respect you in turn.

I bet you guys act like a bouncer at a club, grilling every new face with 20 questions and judging them before they even give you a chance to show you their character. When a new face rolls up to one of my spots I greet them casually, let them know any of the rules if there are any, and tell them to fix anything they break.

Numerous times I have shown up to my own trails to see a new face there, barring the little disrespectful kids that turn every jump into a table top it has never been a problem. BMX is a community and a brotherhood, as far as I am concerned, anyone on a BMX bike is a friend until proven otherwise.

yeah but you openly admitted that you have know clue which community of riders built those trails. you aren't included in that specific community and you put no effort forth in building said trails. just because you're cool with random heroes blowing up your spot doesn't mean this group of guys feel the same way.

if i know someone well enough and trust their judgment, they're allowed to bring whoever they want to the trails whether or not i know them. i dig alone and have no help so when a stranger takes it upon themselves to ride my hard work without putting in any shovel time i get upset.

if bmx was such a brotherhood, nobody should have to lock up their trails to keep them safe and protected from guys that blowout lips and skid around berms and then not have the common courtesy to fix it. now, i'm not saying you're like that but that's the only experience i have with strangers coming to my spot.

Offline _tom_

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« Reply #664 on: May 09, 2010, 03:30:37 AM »
I still agree with Eggit but as I've never built trails from scratch (just helped the guys at my local (which was initially council-built) move stuff around) I probably can't have a proper opinion on it. So long as people were having a good time and not ruining them/littering, then I really don't see a problem.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 03:32:03 AM by _tom_ »

Offline FBM.BMX

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« Reply #665 on: May 09, 2010, 04:09:58 AM »
I'm perfectly fine with strangers coming to the trails, on a dry day, whilst being glass smooth, not casing, putting down some magic clay and doing some watering. Basically doing the same as the locals.

If they live locally, not lent a hand over winter, come down a couple times, i'm fine with that. If they live locally and come down all the time, i tell them to clear off.

I'm not cool with people coming down on a wet day, just expecting to ride, no offer to dig or do anything, then progress onto riding even though it's too wet and tearing up the top surface.

It's normally only kids that can be a bit reckless, they don't seem to have the common sense to see if something they're doing is ruining something. That or don't care.

Forgot about litter, it's not hard to take it home with you. that's one thing land owners/councils/busy bodies will pick up on.

I would have been fine with someone like eggit riding them, in those conditions.

However, i do think builders do have the right to be against it if they so wish.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 04:13:44 AM by FBM.BMX »

Offline Adam is furious

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« Reply #666 on: May 09, 2010, 04:43:18 AM »
Everybody banned from my trails.

I ride on my own.

Offline ABCD

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« Reply #667 on: May 09, 2010, 05:59:34 AM »

Offline Big Ben

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« Reply #668 on: May 09, 2010, 06:41:03 AM »
Quote from: firebikesmullets;3277542
i'd rather nobody found a spot i was trying to keep on the down low.

of course.

yet in the eventuality that some riders do happen to discover them by accident would your first instinct be to run at them with a shovel braveheart style telling them to fuck off your jumps?
if other people riding them became a concern you could use strategically placed chains to limit their use. id be talking to the visiting riders first though to see if theyre safe or not, and likewise if i was visiting trails that werent mine and the locals turned up, id be introducing myself and explaining how we found them by accident, complementing the builders on the effort put in and how good they are etc.

you never know, those random guys you find riding your jumps one day could end up becoming good friends with you, they could end up helping out with digging, they might have their own trails and invite you to ride and so on.

there are still other riders out there with good intentions, just saying
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God I fucking hate you Alice.

Offline nickjones

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« Reply #669 on: May 09, 2010, 12:12:59 PM »
Quote from: wood block;3277615
I'm sorry dude, but your a fuck

EDIT: to heykid matt

EDITedit: to eggit: Not all trails are a community effort at all, my local trails are run for the most part by 3 people. People come out and ride all the time and everyone is fine with it, It just really sucks when a lip gets completely redone and needs to dry or be packed in more and then people you don't even know come and ride it while your gone. Its just not cool to do

wood block knows whats up, it happens with our trails about every 2 to 3 weeks we catch them and tell em not to come back there was also a been a repeat offender  messing alot of shit up like lips and landings, one of our buddies tacoed his rim and said if he were to come back we'd creek him(theres a creek right next to our trails).   trails love nothing else like it.
 edit: zach too, knows whats up

Offline HeyKid Matt

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« Reply #670 on: May 09, 2010, 12:18:58 PM »
Quote from: wood block;3277615
I'm sorry dude, but your a fuck

EDIT: to heykid matt

I'm a fuck because I wouldn't get mad at someone else riding a dumb little kids bike trying to come and have fun? Trust me dude, I built trails before and know how it goes.
Wizard Mob

Offline Wolf Blitzer

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« Reply #671 on: May 09, 2010, 12:25:20 PM »
Quote from: HeyKid Matt;3277827
I'm a fuck because I wouldn't get mad at someone else riding a dumb little kids bike trying to come and have fun? Trust me dude, I built trails before and know how it goes.

Then just accept the fact your a better person, and drop it.

We'd get pissed, you wouldn't. Fair enough.
Quote from: Panda-san;3302311
im black and i ride bmx

so that means it was me ?

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yes, give it back

Offline Allah

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« Reply #672 on: May 09, 2010, 12:50:16 PM »
Guys, I know this debate is a contentious one for people involved in the trail scene. But let's keep things on track please.

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Offline ryno115

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« Reply #673 on: May 09, 2010, 01:41:19 PM »
haha i like how you followed up the locals only argument with a picture from solame. solame is pretty much invite only, dont just show up, and if ur packin a camera expect to get speared by a shovel.

Offline Allah

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« Reply #674 on: May 09, 2010, 03:44:45 PM »
Quote from: ryno115;3277891
haha i like how you followed up the locals only argument with a picture from solame. solame is pretty much invite only, dont just show up, and if ur packin a camera expect to get speared by a shovel.

Ha I wasn't making any argument. My opinions are very much mixed. I think having an open, friendly spot can be very beneficial, but have definitely been frustrated by the fair weather folk in the past- we're actually chaining up this year...there are arguments on both sides, each situation is subtly different- land ownership, location, amount of motox chav shits around etc all play a part.

I just want less chat and more awesomeness!
"Who knows what Ruben actually does?" Garrett Byrnes

45th Generation Roman. - Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

Wild Trail setups
« Reply #674 on: May 09, 2010, 03:44:45 PM »



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