
Author Topic: Wild Trail setups  (Read 1068014 times)

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« Reply #675 on: May 09, 2010, 04:07:42 PM »
with as much time as i have spent with a shovel in my hand slinging dirt i learned one very important lesson. be a dick and yer shit gets fucked with!!!

you idiots have no clue and are everything that is wrong with bmx anymore..................................if you own the land fine do what you want, but if you dont then fuck you i will ride if i want to! you same fuckheads have no issue barging places skaters built or grinding ledges and rails that you didnt build! get real

Offline HeyKid Matt

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« Reply #676 on: May 09, 2010, 04:56:03 PM »
Pretty sure Carrot fvcker just summed it up perfectly. Juzz sayin
Wizard Mob

Offline Kinchy

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« Reply #677 on: May 11, 2010, 08:37:46 AM »
Sounds like most of you haven't spent a whole winter digging while everyone else is down the park or riding street, only to suddenly be Mr Popular once spring comes and the trails are all dried out.

If it's not your spot, don't ride. Simple. Have a look round, leave a not with your number/email on asking them to get back to you whether or not you can ride. Also, put if no one responds you will assume that no one is digging at the spot. That way, the builders won't ignore you and will let you know either way.

Seriously, I don't spend hours and hours of work at the trails just to piss my girlfriend off.  And I sure as fuck don't do it so that you guys can spend your winter at the park and still have some trails in the summer. Meet people, say hi, ask to ride, and more importantly, ask to HELP.

It's called fucking manners. Anyone saying that trails are awful or whatever only thinks that because they don't have manners. In know this, because when I was younger I used to do it and I'm pretty sure people hated me for it. Then I started chatting, being friendly, and helping to dig, and then people were nice. How strange!
Quote from: Broady;3529439
I ran ahead a bit and hid, dropped my jeans and took my top off and started chasing them whilst spraying beer all over them and making weird noises.

Offline lmananimal

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« Reply #678 on: May 11, 2010, 09:00:40 AM »
if ive built a spot and non-locals turn up and want to ride once in a while, as long as they dont litter/are not cocks i dont have a problem with that. im not gonna make them pick up a shovel and do a bit of work just to make some token gesture, nor am i going to make them fix anything they break- they didnt do it on purpose (and theyll probably fix it wrong anyway)

however when i arrive at a spot, i dont expect everyone to have the same attitude as me.

I spent a whole winter in the woods making some trails once, me and one other guy. come summer there were about 15 people (mostly young kids) who would frequent the spot. seeing as we built them in the most obvious place ever there wasnt really much we could do about it (we did demolish the small line which got rid of a few of them) but its these lazy shits that can GTFO.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 09:02:21 AM by Jaaames »
Quote from: GMLN;3634121
Stretch it out every night before bed.

Offline andysm

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« Reply #679 on: May 11, 2010, 07:11:25 PM »
Quote from: Zach Bitzer;3277564
But if I came to my trails, and it was filled with strangers I've never seen or met before, in my life, I'd be fucking livid. So would half the people trying to defend there argument.

yea and thats probably why no one helps you build . because your a knob who judges people before you even speak to them. in fact i bet you dont even speak to them and you just stand there looking pissed off. maybe angrily go pack down a take off next to where hes stood after 20 mins of mumbling to yourself

if someone like eggit has only just stumbled across your trails then how do you expect him to be building them ?  are you like this to all newcomers ? maybe you should get some private land then

im pretty sure if you had a word or if you didnt treat him like shit then he would have no problem helping out. just like im sure he would of fixed any damage. he might even of had his own trails he could tell you about.  but how the fuck is he supposed to help build once they are already built or once you are being an ass to him?  the only way he can help is by finding out who builds them but that aint going to happen if your turning up there all angry at him

carrotfvcker knows the score !

trails etiquette here was always a simple ''fix anything you break''  ''help build if people are building'' and there was never any problems.  being an ass just makes people be an ass back
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 07:18:00 PM by andysm »

Offline jaeknoebels

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« Reply #680 on: May 12, 2010, 11:12:15 AM »
burm to burm to (not pictured) rollerrollerrollerroller tablerollers/wallride action

dave shreddin

alex over the 20-24 foota

will take more pics as it gets worked on.
refs: mic521, spakky, Louis, Chris Ehh, BDSM Master, WryteDays

Offline Miasma

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« Reply #681 on: May 12, 2010, 02:23:18 PM »
Tree Megatour 9 -
Zak Early riding the bumps and berms line at my buddies trails.
And some clips from our trails.


Offline trailblazerRob

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« Reply #682 on: May 12, 2010, 03:27:11 PM »
Quote from: jaeknoebels;3279824
burm to burm to (not pictured) rollerrollerrollerroller tablerollers/wallride action

dave shreddin

alex over the 20-24 foota

will take more pics as it gets worked on.

that berm set up looks sick as fuck

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« Reply #683 on: May 12, 2010, 05:29:57 PM »
Firstly eggit2 I reckon you're really lucky - the trails looks great fun to ride and have clearly been constructed with many hours of loving care, props to the diggers.
Now I'm a digger too, and have been the main, but by no means only, at our trails for approx 10 years.  In that time I've met people who hold every opinion I've seen voiced here from welcoming trail hippie to ardent trail Nazi. Our situation is slightly different to most - our trails are council sanctioned and in a public park which means having a diggers only policy just isn't on the cards and personally I wouldn't want it even if it was. However that doesn't mean that I think its completely open season on who gets to use the trails - in the same way I get annoyed if the bmx kids go and trash the adjacent football pitches I won't stand by and let wanton trail destruction occur at the hands of scooter riders/small children who think they're climbing frames/riders with no manners.  The argument that just because other people don't ask to ride street spots means you shouldn't show respect to trail builders just doesn't hold up - two wrongs and all that??

Anyway the point is from the look of those pictures that spot is nowhere too public, now obviously I could be wrong about that and fair do's if I am, but personally I would be more than happy for respectful trail riders to ride on the basis that they had the means and ability to fix what they broke. Actually what is slightly less righteous to my mind is then taking photos and posting them on a very well known website. For anyone who is doing there best to keep their trails on the down low the worst thing you can do is advertise their presence here.  You might argue you can't tell where they are from the pics but believe me the minute pictures get out people ask questions: they know where you're from, they realise its an old spot they used to ride years back, some little kid pipes up they know where they are etc etc and before you know it your nice little project that had escaped the radar is no longer hush hush.  That wouldn't matter nearly so much if along with the influx of riders and hangers on and rubbish, it didn't attract attention from councils and landowners and busybodies all of whom are liable to have your years of hard work flattened as soon as look at them.

As an aside I always try to be welcoming to new comers, old or young, bmx or mtb and know that for every 50 I meet that come and have fun and ride on the dusty sunny days when all's to be done is water, sweep and ride,  I'll get one who will be keeping me company on wet, cold February weekends when the real work gets done.  As others have pointed out ettiqutte is just manners and common sense - if you arrive at someone else's trails, however public, and the locals are digging go and offer a hand. If you aren't local I certainly wouldn't expect you to give up your whole day but just show willing.  It has to be said its the ones that grate are the locals that ride more than I do in the summer but somehow just don't have any free time in the winter, not because they're busy on their own set that I know I have an open invitation to at any time, but because they're sessioning the skatepark in every gap in the showers and the Playstation in between. But c'est la vie.
That's my two penn'orth – well actually a darn sight more but I should be working and this was a welcome distraction – apologies for the essay!

Offline Eggit2

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« Reply #684 on: May 12, 2010, 10:03:30 PM »
..... Did you really sign into an anonymous account to make that post?
Anyways, I have been doing a bit of research on those jumps, I have a pretty good idea of who the kids are, ad if its them they were riding our trails a lot through the winter if that evens anything out.
I do see what you are saying about the pictures, but the spot can easily be seen from google Earth.

Offline Jame$

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« Reply #685 on: May 13, 2010, 04:35:00 AM »
Just because they can be seen from google earth doesn't mean shit.   It means you sat looking for trails on google earth that weren't yours and then proceeded to ride them.   I can find tons of uk trails via google earth, it doesn't mean i'd ever have the audacity to just turn up to them and ride.

What you should of done is leave a note at the trails with your phone number and not ridden them.  

You definitely should not have taken pictures and posted them on the internet without the builders permission though.

I've built a lot of trails and had the pleasure of being invited to others trails to ride, that's how trails should be.  You should never ever just turn up at a set of expect to ride, especially if no one is there and especially not post pictures of the trails you found on a relatively large bmx forum.

Sorry eggit but you can argue all you want but in this case you are slightly out of line.
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« Reply #686 on: May 13, 2010, 05:18:59 AM »
He is far from out of line.......... You guys are from the UK where if you left a note somebody would ring you up and say come on down and join us. The US is a much different place, hell last spring I had to rebuild the same jumps five times because of shitty kids. Anybody who thinks they can  control a plot of land they don't own is a fool. I have been riding and digging longer than most of you kids have been alive, and have seen shit come and go. If you are lucky enough to have a spot to dig at and ride good for you. Having a shitty attitude gets you polite fuckers accross the pond don't fully grasp how shitty people in America can really be...........we had somebody cut down the trees the chains were wrapped to so they could ride!!! Just having dudes show up and ride and not fuck anything up would be welcomed

Offline Kinchy

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« Reply #687 on: May 13, 2010, 05:28:53 AM »
Quote from: Carrotfvcker;3280250
you polite fuckers accross the pond don't fully grasp how shitty people in America can really be

This makes more sense now then, I guess our riding scene is generally a lot smaller still.

But we still work on the idea of you have to give respect to receive respect.
Quote from: Broady;3529439
I ran ahead a bit and hid, dropped my jeans and took my top off and started chasing them whilst spraying beer all over them and making weird noises.

Offline Jame$

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« Reply #688 on: May 13, 2010, 05:37:10 AM »
Quote from: Carrotfvcker;3280250
He is far from out of line.......... You guys are from the UK where if you left a note somebody would ring you up and say come on down and join us. The US is a much different place, hell last spring I had to rebuild the same jumps five times because of shitty kids. Anybody who thinks they can  control a plot of land they don't own is a fool. I have been riding and digging longer than most of you kids have been alive, and have seen shit come and go. If you are lucky enough to have a spot to dig at and ride good for you. Having a shitty attitude gets you polite fuckers accross the pond don't fully grasp how shitty people in America can really be...........we had somebody cut down the trees the chains were wrapped to so they could ride!!! Just having dudes show up and ride and not fuck anything up would be welcomed

You'd think being older and digging longer than us "kids" you could at least knock a good argument together that doesn't contradict itself constantly.

So you say people are shitty then say he's not out of line for riding a set that isn't his?

Manners and politeness count for everything.  How hard is it to leave a note but not ride?   You think it's better to just ride and fuck off and not leave a note?

Seriously, you're a prick.  You completely missed the point of any argument then went off on one about things not even really related to what was being mentioned.

I think you'll find we also fully understand how shit people are and people like Eggit are shit people, same as the little kids who turn up and ruin everything, the dog walkers who put fishing line across trails, the walkers who break glass bottles in lines.   But yeah you have it so much worse don't you petal?

Just because you don't mind random guys turning up and riding your trails doesn't mean everyone else should.   Trails take time and patience to build, so why the fuck should anyone just turn up and ride even if they are on public property?

Get some manners and etiquette and you'll be welcomed.  Turn up, ride and then posting pictures of the trails you found on a bmx website is a dick move no matter what you try and say with your abundance of bad punctuation and addiction to elipses.
Pin it to Win it.

Offline Kinchy

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« Reply #689 on: May 13, 2010, 05:43:25 AM »
Also, if that's the case in the US, maybe I should move over so I can spend my winter getting drunk, and then turn up at your trails on the first day of spring with a BBQ and enough meat for myself only, ride all day, take photos, and then turn up next time and everything will be fixed for me?

Didn't think so.
Quote from: Broady;3529439
I ran ahead a bit and hid, dropped my jeans and took my top off and started chasing them whilst spraying beer all over them and making weird noises. - Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

Wild Trail setups
« Reply #689 on: May 13, 2010, 05:43:25 AM »



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