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Offline ABCD

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« Reply #690 on: May 13, 2010, 06:10:39 AM »
« Last Edit: June 07, 2018, 02:16:03 PM by GM »

Offline _tom_

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« Reply #691 on: May 13, 2010, 06:17:13 AM »
The builders have been making some more stuff up western park in Leicester. Still not very wild though, haha. Dunno what the situation is with digging as I think its council owned/ran but I reckon I should help out soon as the most I do is pick up litter.

Mini pump track

They cleared the small centre line started to extend the berm at the end of the main set of tables. Looks like the new berm will lead into another set of tables or hopefully doubles (if the council allow it).

my very un-trails bike atop the small berm set
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 06:20:52 AM by _tom_ »

Offline Kinchy

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« Reply #692 on: May 13, 2010, 06:24:02 AM »
Quote from: Gamlin;3280264
Bit of a random idea but could work, but probably won't.
In the summer maybe start up a little bikeguide trail swap type thing?

Would be well up for this.

Pump track looks cool, nice to see the council are doing at least something.
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« Reply #693 on: May 13, 2010, 08:39:53 AM »
How am I wrong? Oh yeah because I am not so arrogant to think I can just take a plot of land I don't own and make it mine! My point is and was simply that getting pissed does no fucking good, kids will just show up when you leave and trash stuff. I am glad that in the UK you could leave a note and somebody would reply. You do that here and next thing you know kids are posting your phone number in gay chatrooms or some shit. And my age doesn't make me any better than anybody else, just means I very well might have dealt with this shit long enough to know what works and what doesn't. I could really care less if you or anybody else likes my opinion, I will still be in the woods digging by myself if that's what it takes!

Offline ABCD

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« Reply #694 on: May 13, 2010, 08:47:51 AM »
« Last Edit: June 07, 2018, 02:39:59 PM by ABCD »

Offline Jame$

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« Reply #695 on: May 13, 2010, 09:01:41 AM »
It's not about arrogance.  Arrogance doesn't even come into it apart from maybe your arrogant condescending posts.

It is about MANNERS, RESPECT and COMMON fucking Courtesy.

If you treated the kid properly maybe they wouldn't show up and trash your trails huh?

Oh and i'm sure that the "kids"  (firstly barely any kids run sets of trails so shows what you know) Would definitely read a note saying "thought you trails were ace, if you'd like a hand digging phone this number"  And think i know, the first thing i'll do is instead of getting this lad to help like he wants to which means i won't have to do as much work, i'll but this number on gay chat rooms and the likes.    Sorry mate but that's just what you'd obviously do.

Gamlin's also bang on.
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« Reply #696 on: May 13, 2010, 09:02:04 AM »
Quote from: Kinchy;3280255
This makes more sense now then, I guess our riding scene is generally a lot smaller still.

But we still work on the idea of you have to give respect to receive respect.

That would be great if everybody thought that way. Hell I wish it worked that way, the world would be a much better place. It just sucks that some people will dig and others wouldn't if you put a gun to thier head. I am just happy to have a place to dig  and ride. After having so many places plowed I will deal with the shit just to be able to ride. And feel free if you ever come to the US, hit me up for directions to the trails. I will bring the beer

Offline Kinchy

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« Reply #697 on: May 13, 2010, 09:06:19 AM »
Hit me up for directions and you can come to my trails.

Turn up, ride, take photos and leave without even so much as a recognition of who might be putting work in down there, and you won't be welcome.
Quote from: Broady;3529439
I ran ahead a bit and hid, dropped my jeans and took my top off and started chasing them whilst spraying beer all over them and making weird noises.


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« Reply #698 on: May 13, 2010, 09:12:30 AM »
Quote from: Gamlin;3280299
Shut up. This is the stupid attitude that needs to be cut out. Because its what all the clueless kids think. When they stumble upon some trails: "doesn't matter man its not like its their land, they are just dicks with bad attitude".
When in reality it actually is THEIR private land they chipped in and work hard for, or spent THEIR time winning the landowners respect, then THEIR trails are ruined, all because of the bullshit attitude YOU have.

Again things are far different here than over there. Kids here don't get permission to dig they just go do it. Which is why trails get plowed so much. If you have permission or it's YOUR land so be it that's a different ballgame. I know guys who have bought land just so they didn't have to deal with bullshit. I however found a spot in some woods with a couple guys and started digging. Later the land owner found them and told us as long as we kept it mellow and clean we could be there. We got lucky this time. I understand getting pissed about dudes just showing up and riding pissing you off but where does that get you? If somebody shows up to the trails and rides and doesn't fuck anything up kool, if they do fuck stuff up I will say something. Until somebody disrespects me shit is cool. I don't dig for them, I dig so I can ride

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« Reply #699 on: May 13, 2010, 09:25:42 AM »
As a rider I don't ride unless I've had a chat, and even then I feel very guilty riding without having done some work.

As a builder I don't mind people riding when some of us are about, if people are willing to fix stuff they break, pick their litter up and are decent guys. Hopefully prepared to dig a bit as well. We had some kids come over Easter who asked me and my mate "whether they were ready yet"!!! whilst we were digging. No mate, fuck off- but even then we didn't get aggro, bad attitudes equals stuff being trashed. We're chaining them this year though, mainly because its on private land so we don't want people getting hurt and sueing etc going on. Luckily the village doesn't have a train station so its pretty difficult for people to get out to them if they can't drive (and if you're old enough to drive and still riding you generally have a reasonable attitude, in my experience).

I'm always up for riding with new people though, after a few years where sessions have only consisted of two or three of us its difficult to remain too militant. And for the few people who do make it out to ride its just a one off thing- but if we had people every weekend who hadn't done any digging that would wind me up no end.
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« Reply #700 on: May 13, 2010, 09:34:58 AM »
Quote from: .....;3279991
Firstly eggit2 I reckon you're really lucky - the trails looks great fun to ride and have clearly been constructed with many hours of loving care, props to the diggers.
Now I'm a digger too, and have been the main, but by no means only, at our trails for approx 10 years.  In that time I've met people who hold every opinion I've seen voiced here from welcoming trail hippie to ardent trail Nazi. Our situation is slightly different to most - our trails are council sanctioned and in a public park which means having a diggers only policy just isn't on the cards and personally I wouldn't want it even if it was. However that doesn't mean that I think its completely open season on who gets to use the trails - in the same way I get annoyed if the bmx kids go and trash the adjacent football pitches I won't stand by and let wanton trail destruction occur at the hands of scooter riders/small children who think they're climbing frames/riders with no manners.  The argument that just because other people don't ask to ride street spots means you shouldn't show respect to trail builders just doesn't hold up - two wrongs and all that??

Anyway the point is from the look of those pictures that spot is nowhere too public, now obviously I could be wrong about that and fair do's if I am, but personally I would be more than happy for respectful trail riders to ride on the basis that they had the means and ability to fix what they broke. Actually what is slightly less righteous to my mind is then taking photos and posting them on a very well known website. For anyone who is doing there best to keep their trails on the down low the worst thing you can do is advertise their presence here.  You might argue you can't tell where they are from the pics but believe me the minute pictures get out people ask questions: they know where you're from, they realise its an old spot they used to ride years back, some little kid pipes up they know where they are etc etc and before you know it your nice little project that had escaped the radar is no longer hush hush.  That wouldn't matter nearly so much if along with the influx of riders and hangers on and rubbish, it didn't attract attention from councils and landowners and busybodies all of whom are liable to have your years of hard work flattened as soon as look at them.

As an aside I always try to be welcoming to new comers, old or young, bmx or mtb and know that for every 50 I meet that come and have fun and ride on the dusty sunny days when all's to be done is water, sweep and ride,  I'll get one who will be keeping me company on wet, cold February weekends when the real work gets done.  As others have pointed out ettiqutte is just manners and common sense - if you arrive at someone else's trails, however public, and the locals are digging go and offer a hand. If you aren't local I certainly wouldn't expect you to give up your whole day but just show willing.  It has to be said its the ones that grate are the locals that ride more than I do in the summer but somehow just don't have any free time in the winter, not because they're busy on their own set that I know I have an open invitation to at any time, but because they're sessioning the skatepark in every gap in the showers and the Playstation in between. But c'est la vie.
That's my two penn'orth – well actually a darn sight more but I should be working and this was a welcome distraction – apologies for the essay!

I agree whole heartedly......... I never said he should have posted pix or anything like that. But for people to throw a fit about him riding is where I find it insane. If half yhe guys on here complaining were somehow to find themselves in Pittsburgh for a day and stumbled on  trails with nobody there would they just leave a note? I doubt it, they would just ride and if dudes showed up they would hopefully be polite and thank whoever it was for the work they did and offer to let them come ride where they have trails at.

Offline Jame$

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« Reply #701 on: May 13, 2010, 09:40:39 AM »
Yes i would leave a note and yes i have left notes before.  I wouldn't dream of riding someone's trails without anyone there, it's disrespectful, simple as that.

It's obviously not far from him and he obviously looked on google earth to find them and then posted pictures of said trails.  This is mostly the problem but all he had to do was leave without riding and come back another day when someone might have been there.

It's not difficult to walk away from a trails spot without riding is it?  Same as it's pretty easy not to post pictures on a bmx website of someone else's trails without their permission.

We aren't all miserable shit bags in the uk, we just understand how much work goes into a set and therefore we have respect for those who took the time to build them.
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« Reply #702 on: May 13, 2010, 10:10:13 AM »
The one thing for sure is you guys  are without a doubt more polite over there. It sucks but in the US as a whole we are pretty fucking rude. I have nothing but respect for anybody who puts time in digging, it ain't easy and it sure as hell isn't the funnest thing to spend time doing. Thank god my wife understands it!

Offline Jame$

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« Reply #703 on: May 13, 2010, 10:14:04 AM »
Don't get me wrong, little kids, chavs and the likes still ride trails without any regard for who built them but generally (well here anyways) as long as you're okay with them, explain the situation and not be a prick, they'll be okay and generally leave your trails alone.

Little kids will always be shit bags but older riders should know better.

You have a bloody good misses as well to understand you spending time digging in the woods.
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Offline BDSM Master

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« Reply #704 on: May 13, 2010, 10:36:43 AM »
Quote from: Jame$;3280324
Yes i would leave a note and yes i have left notes before.  I wouldn't dream of riding someone's trails without anyone there, it's disrespectful, simple as that.

if they water lips and landings and sweep and patch up some stuff, where's the harm? i ran a set of trails by myself, and i don't have any qualms with people coming to ride, so long as they tidy up a bit. if they do work, who's to even know someone was riding unless they were there? certainly a trails god like you must have surveillance installed at your jumps, to keep detailed records of visitors. if you ride someone's jumps you don't know, leave them looking as good or better than when you got there, simple as that. leave them a note saying you rode and cleaned up, with your number or something. anyone who gets mad about that can suck a fat dick because you're just a worthless cunt then. - Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

Wild Trail setups
« Reply #704 on: May 13, 2010, 10:36:43 AM »



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