Others > Riding Photos

Wild Trail setups

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Second image is from the same set of trails. berm and landing is rideable now and stupidly fun. Stole the photo from a mates site so shout outs go to caleb.

Siligna Woods? If so, I've seen that blog before. That dirt looks lovely. The top soil looks a bit sandy, what's the red dirt like to work with?

Yep thats the one. It's a mixture of sand and clay, really easy to dig. I found it different to work with, needs quite a bit of water and different techniques than I'm used to.
Makes for some really smooth jumps but from what Ive seen probably requires bit more maintenance.

Managed a ride at my own set of trails over the weekend.
Tested a new transfer that we've just finished, scary as fuck and feels like a roller coaster.

^ wow! Nice stuff NZ!

Video of 'Sleeper' from last year (2010): http://trailpunks.tumblr.com/post/13023770160/dean-sleeper

More clips soon!


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