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Post Your Guns

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My guns are going target shooting at the range this weekend.

I hope they invite me.

Recommended caliber...?

I'm not a big guy, but I want something somewhat powerful that is still fun to shoot and manageable. I highly doubt I will use it alllll the time but I do want to be comfortable with it and have it be almost second nature to load it, and use it as necessary if the time comes. It will be more of a hobby type deal rather than hunting all the time. So if it feels like I'm slamming my hand in a door every time I shoot it it isnt a huge deal. As of right now I'm looking at the Taurus Tracker .44 Mag and a Glock 26 (9mm)as a backup. I also dont want rounds that arte tooo expensive if there is something cheaper and more fun to shoot. So basically something for home defense that is reliable (Glock) and/or something that is just a mean looking fun gun to shoot every now and again (Taurus). Would these calibers be ideal? should I go smaller/bigger...? I won't be shooting buffalo but I also dont want to have buyers remorse and wish I got something larger.


--- Quote from: A.Hol;2867073 ---this totally just changed my view on guns.  ive come to realize that guns are, in fact, the gayest motherfucking things everrrrr.
--- End quote ---

Haha I love you.

I have a fucking arsenal coming my way.  I will have every gun I own completely loaded and ready at all times.

A safety is my fucking finger.

I will have more than 100 rounds in every caliber that I own, just in case some country invades and wants to start shit.

And to you Irish motherfucker giving guns a sexuality and all, guns will never go away.  The second they are prohibited shit will hit the fan, just like prohibition of alcohol in the twenties.  The United States Constitution is the most respected and sought after written document concerning rights in the whole fucking world.  Every upcoming country past and future used it or will use it to base a democratic system off of.  First there was the Magna Carta, then there was The United States Constitution, that's all.

Edit:  Couch, get a S&W .38 Special.  Reload the shells yourself.  Its strong enough for stopping power/self defense, and is really fun to shoot.

.40 or .45 for a good mix of power and affordability.

9mm is a little cheaper but not as powerful.

.44 Mag is powerful but you may want to check prices.

I recommend .40 for a good all around caliber.  I chose it because of the above mentioned reasons and because it can be found anywhere.  I can shoot it one handed and get back on target quickly.  You can see what the .40 recoil looks like here.

Glocks are good.  I wouldn't buy a Taurus.  A Springfield XD or XDM is on the same level as the Glocks.  Hold a variety of guns and see whats the most comfortable in your hand.

Dead End:

--- Quote from: couch;2867112 ---Recommended caliber...?

I'm not a big guy, but I want something somewhat powerful that is still fun to shoot and manageable. I highly doubt I will use it alllll the time but I do want to be comfortable with it and have it be almost second nature to load it, and use it as necessary if the time comes. It will be more of a hobby type deal rather than hunting all the time. So if it feels like I'm slamming my hand in a door every time I shoot it it isnt a huge deal. As of right now I'm looking at the Taurus Tracker .44 Mag and a Glock 26 (9mm)as a backup. I also dont want rounds that arte tooo expensive if there is something cheaper and more fun to shoot. So basically something for home defense that is reliable (Glock) and/or something that is just a mean looking fun gun to shoot every now and again (Taurus). Would these calibers be ideal? should I go smaller/bigger...? I won't be shooting buffalo but I also dont want to have buyers remorse and wish I got something larger.
--- End quote ---

You really can't go wrong with a .38 special or a .45 in my opinion.  .44 Mag is expensive and 9mm won't do shit to stop someone.  9mm ammo is cheap, but so is .38 special.  If you wanna have fun i'd get a .357 revolver and just shoot .38 special all day.  You won't notice it and then you can also shoot .357 if you're feeling extra special.  .45ACP is about the best round and the 1911 gov't model type is one of the strongest, longest lasting auto (auto because it automatically loads the next round, unlike a revolver not as in you hold the trigger and it keeps firing) around.


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