The Street > The Lounge

Post Your Guns

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But the Taurus comes in ti for teh litewaitz!

I need to just go in the damn gun store and look around. Theres one across the street from my apartment.

Oh, and Hank, change your damn avatar to one where D-Fense is holding the bag of guns, not the briefcase with the apple and sandwich.

Falling Down FTMFW!!! I used to live right up the street from the park he dumped the briefcase at. Wild shit goes down there all the time. Bodies being pulled from the water daily.


--- Quote from: Dead End;2867075 ---"assault rifle" is a made up term.  The definition of an Assault Rifle varies so much, not to mention it basically implies that its a military weapon, which are illegal if they are full auto (for 70 odd years).. unless of course you have the right FFL.
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i'm pretty sure an assault rifle is a selectable fire rifle(semi-auto, full auto) that fires an intermediate round.(5.56x45, 7.62x39)


--- Quote from: wetheperson;2867356 ---i'm pretty sure an assault rifle is a selectable fire rifle(semi-auto, full auto) that fires an intermediate round.(5.56x45, 7.62x39)
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Yes but most politicians twist it to cover more than it really is.


--- Quote from: couch;2867112 ---Recommended caliber...?

I'm not a big guy, but I want something somewhat powerful that is still fun to shoot and manageable. I highly doubt I will use it alllll the time but I do want to be comfortable with it and have it be almost second nature to load it, and use it as necessary if the time comes. It will be more of a hobby type deal rather than hunting all the time. So if it feels like I'm slamming my hand in a door every time I shoot it it isnt a huge deal. As of right now I'm looking at the Taurus Tracker .44 Mag and a Glock 26 (9mm)as a backup. I also dont want rounds that arte tooo expensive if there is something cheaper and more fun to shoot. So basically something for home defense that is reliable (Glock) and/or something that is just a mean looking fun gun to shoot every now and again (Taurus). Would these calibers be ideal? should I go smaller/bigger...? I won't be shooting buffalo but I also dont want to have buyers remorse and wish I got something larger.
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the tracker .44 mag is a blast to shoot.


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