The Second Amendment of our glorious Constitution was incorporated yesterday. Now the right to bear arms cannot be infringed by local, state and federal entities.

Anyone here own an Mosin Nagant (7.62x54mmR)?
You can buy them pretty dirt cheap, $100 or so. Looks like it would be fun to pick off targets from a good distance away.
ALSO: Looking for a decent carry weapon on a budget. I'm not sure what the general though on Cobra is when it comes to manufacturing, but i'm kind of interested in this:

Not the prettiest thing in the world to look at, but at $226 it'd keep me safe when walking those dark rail road tracks and alley ways.
Still got the Ruger pistol. Too big and not powerful enough to carry. Had a bit of a problem with it recently. Took it to the range where it began jamming pretty bad, so I quit shooting for the day and took her home to clean. I popped out the spring assembly in the back of the grip and was supposed to be able to pull down on that, removing the (not sure if its the right name) 'slide pin' or something, which would of allowed me to remove the slide. No go, simply stuck. So I put the spring assmebly back into the grip and was unable to pull the slide back more than a few CM.
Took it to a buddies, and we were able to get the slide to work again properly, and get the gun clean. However we still were not able to remove that pin no matter how fucking hard we tried. Just acquired a 550rd box of ammo so I got the itch to go plink around and shoot cans and stuff.
First off, mosins are amazing. The 7.62x54R cartridge is the oldest cartridge that is still used in militaries, and was used in more wars and conflicts than any onther cartridge in the world, thanks mainly to Russia/USSR and the Mosin Nagant.
My experience is with a 1943 Tula made M44.
The ammo is cheap, you can get a crate of 410 rounds for $90 (MILSURP), but it is DIRTY. You need to clean the gun with WATER, windex works best and is easy to contain, to get the unburnt powder out of the bore and surrounding metal. The milsurp ammo will chew up the gun in a matter of hours if not cleaned correctly. You can buy clean factory ammo, but it lacks the punch of the milsurp ammo and is a lot more expensive.
These guns are shooters, and can kill any animal in North America easily, but its not a benchrest target gun. When you take it to the range you shoot it less than 20 times because its loud as shit, and it hurts significantly more than any gun I have fired.
It also doubles as a flame thrower, and a big ass knife. This is by far the greatest gun ever created. Buy one now.
If you decide to get one, check the bore and make sure its smooth and clean. Also make sure you get the M44 Carbine. It is much more fun and not as long/heavy as the other one. It also shoots more fire, is louder and kicks more. You can light paper on fire with the unburnt powder that these bitches shoot.
Here is my friend shooting mine.

Carry gun: When you buy a carry gun you are buying a lifesaver. You want to go with something proven and trusted. I would say an LCP/LCR or a subcompact glock. The glock will eat anything for break in and then you would want to practice with HP/protection ammo to make sure it feeds correctly.
The LCP will be very picky and be more expensive to feed, but once broken in I have heard it is completely reliable.
Now the LCR is a BAD ASS .38 special revolver. Just a little less bang then a .357 and in a kick ass small package. Revolvers are the most reliable of handguns, and dont have problems jamming/feeding. Whatever you choose just make sure to shoot one before you buy it and to get a good holster. Also have your carry permits legit and know where you cannot go; ie. school zones and restaurants/places that don't allow CC. Laws very from state to state and sometimes city to city.
Hopefully this helps.