The Street > The Lounge

Post Your Guns

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Raz bro:

--- Quote from: Jens M;2892662 ---Ok, I understand the hunting part. Not that I hunt, but whatever.

I don't know any person who own a gun. It's a lot of differences between Usa and Sweden. I live in a suburb, 20 away form Stockholm (by bus). Crimes? Not much. A year ago two men tried to rob a jewelry store at the mall. Some guy in the mall got pissed and jumped one of them, haha. Both got caught.

Homicides? No, haha. I know that there was a body dumped at the pizza place a few years ago (MC gang's head quarter). Other then that, you hear about maybe one homicide a month, when it comes to the whole country. And then it get's pretty big in the press, usually.

So I don't think I need protection haha.
--- End quote ---

America is different, your best friend will even shoot you sometimes.

Hank Chinaski:

--- Quote from: Raz bro;2892766 ---America is different, your best friend will even shoot you sometimes.
--- End quote ---


Here you go, wheelr. They would have been a little tighter, but I was working with some shoddy ammo. I tried getting a target like yours, but the range was out. The quarter is for size of course.

10 rounds at 25 feet

15 rounds at 25 feet

Cheap ammo makes me feel good when I'm handing money over, but it makes me feel sick at the range.

Fuck, I need to get my gun already. Semi-auto handgun is where its at. Eventually I'l get a dialed revolver. For now I want something I can dump some big rounds fast!

For say a compact Glock, how big could I go in caliber before I start destroying my hands/arms from firing it? I don't want to feel like I'm slamming my hands in a door every time I shoot it but I also dont want to regret getting something too small.

It will mainly be for home defense and target shooting. Hunting would be dope but I'd rather use a revolver for that.

See LAPD hate thread for the shit I deal with at home...

FAACKKK I hate that I haven't been to a range in awhile I used to be good but then again I've only shot 12 ga. and .22 thanks to stupid boy scouting rules.


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