Concerning a SKS, is there an easy way to make it full auto? It's currently semi only...
Yes. It's stupidly illegal, I don't know the exact specifics since I've never done it.
They were designed as semi automatic rifles, I'm sure it could be done but the gun wasn't designed for it so I'm not sure how the rifle as a whole would hold up. Also in the states you need a special FFL license to make your own FA weapons legally.
Wheelr is that ulyanovsk white box x39 ammo?
Ulyanovsk you say? I still have ~180 rounds of that left... great ammo. I need to find some more before I burn up what I have left.

Ffffffffuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh.......... :drool:
EDIT: Except for the lights on the last two M14's... CQB with a 12lb rifle? I think not. LOL