I know nothing about vests.
I need a tan/coyote vest with plate holders. I plan to have molle ar mag holders, glock mag holders, someplace to put shotgun rounds, a sling attachment and a glock holster.
What do I get?
Dunno if this got resolved for you, but I've got a mayflower assaulters PC and it's awesome, lighter than the others I've tried and can take soft armour and plate at the same time. Their chest rigs are also awesome, the clip system is great.
Also recommended are blue force gear and velocity systems...
Personally I dont like stowing sidearms or theirs mags on my vest, because it causes inconsistencies when not using the vest. I like to build a bit of scaleability into my load carrying. Sidearm always in belt holster, mags in paddle holster on the left. Sounds silly, I know it's only an airsoft background I'm coming from, but the drills are the same, and I do a fucking whole bunch of mag changes!

Condor seems ok but a bit heavy and dated...