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Post Your Guns

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G27 w/Brooks Tactical Agrip.

I just got the Agrip, Pearce +0 mag extension, and grip plug in the mail today. More motivation to get the actual gun. I have a bs warrant from a ticket I got over a year ago for not having bike lights on my bike even though I did. I was told it was dismissed... It wasn't so I got a FTA. As soon as this is handled I'm buying the gun.


--- Quote from: couch;2906387 ---Living in DTLA I had more shitty situations happen, non bike related (see lapd hate thread). Riding in Orange County I've had way more problems.
--- End quote ---

I was relatively beaten on the porch of my house on late evening after riding my bmx several years ago.

On my way home from a late night riding session in my city a shady looking SUV followed me and some friends on our way home. I got the hint and pedaled my ass off to my house. The car raced ahead of me and 4 guys got out of the vehicle with baseball bats. I managed to ride up to my front door, but it was locked and I would have had to fumble with my keys. I turned around as they were on my heels and defended myself with my bicycle for a brief moment as they swung away. I received several blows with the bats before someone opened the front door and scared them off. I received several welts from the bats and a couple swings to the head.

Definitely shitty situations around here.

So a firearm would be a psychological comfort, or provide 'piece of mind'?


--- Quote from: human;2907035 ---So a firearm would be a psychological comfort, or provide 'piece of mind'?
--- End quote ---

I'm not that compelled to purchase a firearm.

Just chiming in about sketchy shit.

I'm not arguing, I'm just wondering.

I've never really felt the need to own a fire arm, despite countless hairy situations. I'm actually quite morally opposed to them, however if you feel the need to do so it's you're right. But bare in mind that this is a largely unrestricted opportunity, therefore your assailant might be armed as well. Just some food for thought.


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