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Post Your Guns

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Which major magazine/newspaper do you shoot photos for?


--- Quote from: Cole;3633699 ---Aesop hits the nail on the head once again. Why have all this tacticool shit just for going to a range? Not to mention, 9 times out of 10 the only pouches you'll need on your pc are mag pouches, a first aid pouch and a map pouch.
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Hey, don't knock my 40mm grenade vest. Gotta make use of that m203! :D

I missed this the other day...

--- Quote from: PabstBlueRibbon;3632772 ---so the name of the game was try to burry it?
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Yes. See how much crazy shit we could 4-wheel through and not break it. I would always grab a couple guys from my platoon and tell our Sgt were going to do some "driver training" so we could go beat on the trucks. It's stupidly hard to get a Hemtt stuck, Humvees are okay and still pretty capable.

lil bawbee:

--- Quote from: Aesop Rock;3633739 ---Wearing comfortable, long lasting clothes that fit well and are made in the US by skilled laborers and carrying a bag to house my gear which I used on an almost daily basis is practical. The fact that you feel the need to attempt to discredit that is pretty pathetic.

Not trying to start an argument here guys, I was simply agreeing with an opinion that had been voiced prior to my comment. Sorry I'm not tacticool enough to fit into your "civilians who want to play army" thread.
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Pot meet Kettle? I guess Im guilty of playing army because I own a black condor 3 day bag that I use for camping and road trips.

sal, a man-deer:

--- Quote from: lil bawbee;3633730 ---wearing skinny jeans, kids size shirts and fashionable boots while carrying a man purse is definitely more functional/practical than a "tactical" backpack
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it's weird seeing people dressed like that... modern... actually shooting at other people/being shot at...


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