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Post Your Guns

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Aesop Rock:

--- Quote from: Cat Daddy;3633752 ---You are in this thread. Why?

PS: Don't answer please.
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I'm sorry, I thought this was a forum where people were supposed to share ideas.

--- Quote from: couch;3633753 ---Which major magazine/newspaper do you shoot photos for?
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Might make sense if I were running around with a D4, 28-70 2.8 and a bag full of telephoto lenses, but in reality I'm a hobbyist so I don't need any of that gear in the same way that people who shoot recreationally look absolutely retarded dressed up in tacticool gear when they go out to the range.

--- Quote from: lil bawbee;3633765 ---Pot meet Kettle? I guess Im guilty of playing army because I own a black condor 3 day bag that I use for camping and road trips.
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Who said anything about you? I was making a broad statement, and one which is pretty common in the gun world. I believe the term most commonly used is, "poser". if you really want to compare a guy who wears jeans, boots and t-shirts while shooting photos to someone who looks like they're about to jump out of a helicopter in Iraq for a day out at the range sorry but I don't really see your argument.

Guys, I'm not here to talk shit on your guns. I find guns and gun culture to be interesting, hence why I stop by here all the time. It's a good place to learn about something I have an interest in. Contrary to what this board might think I'm really not anti-gun. Let's dial down the personal attacks mmk?

sal, a man-deer:
while we're talking shit about the tacticool crowd playing soldier...

Before everyone gets too down on playing soldier, have you tried playing soldier? It's pretty sweet. :-)
Just have an understanding that you are living out call of duty goober fantasies. I've taken slings and holsters and mag holsters and transitioned from primary to secondary etc etc and end up laughing my ass off having a good time. I look full retard but no one but the other retards have to know.


--- Quote from: master;3633754 ---Hey, don't knock my 40mm grenade vest. Gotta make use of that m203! :D
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9/10 ;). Always makes me laugh when I see setups with far more on them than you'd ever need. Not calling you out here, but you of all people should know this.


--- Quote from: Cole;3633890 ---9/10 ;). Always makes me laugh when I see setups with far more on them than you'd ever need. Not calling you out here, but you of all people should know this.
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Oh I know, there are plenty of tacticool people out there who think they are high-speed with every accessory possible and would cry when the first bullet flies past them. is the worst... there are a handful of vets and cool guys on there, but mostly it's a lot of people having wet dreams over their shiny new rifles and "loadout" (which is a word I never heard until I was out of the Army).

I'm still not sure what to think of the airsoft mil-sim crowd either. Some of them are cool but I also see a lot of fat old guys taking things way too seriously.

But either way... I still respect any responsible gun owner for the commitment that they make. Firearms have been a part of my life since I was 5 and they ALWAYS will be so we need to stick together to be strong.


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