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Post Your Guns

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They hand out shotguns willy nilly in the UK, the firearms enquiries officer is coming round tomorrow to make sure I'm enough of a farmer to have one, but i spoke to him on the phone and he was talking like I was already successful.  But we'll see.


--- Quote from: Duncan;3084537 ---They hand out shotguns willy nilly in the UK, the firearms enquiries officer is coming round tomorrow to make sure I'm enough of a farmer to have one, but i spoke to him on the phone and he was talking like I was already successful.  But we'll see.
--- End quote ---

I'm glad I'm a fucking american.


--- Quote from: jingles;3084498 ---I held one of these today
you americans scare me

--- End quote ---

What scared you about it?

The fact that it shoots a big bullet?

Costs thousands of dollars?

Can shoot really far?

This gun needs a super qualified shooter to even hit a target over 200 yards with, its a media free for all.

Oh yea i just read that it is full auto with 100 round drum magazines and can shoot down planes the moon.

Macaroni Sandwich:
So, guys,

I have to become a resident of Nevada (or technically a bordering state) in order to buy a gun here. Unless I fly back home to Indiana and get one.

So, that will take a few months I think.

In the meantime, I need to save some money.

I have narrowed down my choices to this:

A handgun that shoots .22 bullets.

I have chosen this because .22 bullets are cheap, and handguns seem to be fun. Will be used for home protection / fucking around with.

So now, I need to find a decent gun for $350~ that can do the job. I am thinking something with a decent sized clip, so non of the round-chamber-spinning-thing that only holds like six rounds.

Ideas? Sorry, my gun terminology is seriously lacking.

First you need to learn about guns before you plan on buying one.

A .22 is better than nothing but isn't sufficient for HD. That spinnie thing is called a revolver. They aren't called clips, they are magazines.

Do some research before you spend any money.

Tactical Solutions has a lot of cool .22 stuff.


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