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God dammit Birdmane, that's another dream gun of mine.
76ft head shot.http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/off-duty-nypd-officer-kills-man-brooklyn-article-1.1012169
Any of you guys have experience with the S&W Governor? I've always wanted a Judge but the Governor has the added bonus of shooting .45 ACP with the use of moon clips. What are your thoughts?
both guns are fucking stupid. buy a 45 long colt..
yeah, i'd like to hear why both of those guns are fucking stupid...
why is it stupid? Versatility is great in my opinion. I have home/self defense guns so this would be a "fun" gun. It seems like a lot of people have that opinion of these guns but I just don't get it. i doubt anyone would like the feeling of getting shot with a .410 shell at any range much less at 3 feet.
i like stupid guns..i will be picking up my Micro mac 11 at the end of them month.I will be owning a Surbu super short or equivalent at the end of the year.draco or mini draco pistols..i dont see the point of owning a 410/45lc gun when you can own a shotgun or a a 500/460 wheel gun. for a fun gun that is.and as for the 410 at close range or to the face... i dont think anyone wants to take any type of round anywhere.
nah, i will probably get the governor. i think it would be a perfect gun to take fishing/ kayaking. i have always liked the .45/.410 platform. i guess i am just one of those guys.
my point exactly. you aren't getting a 500/460 for $600 either.