the geo and complete build on the Zeitgeist is decent but not the greatest, but Faction have improved a ton with the new frame, the Amero. and, we've been testing out some different frame designs for 22"s:
Austin TX local Vernon Sexton, riding his friend's custom built (Solid and S&M) Webbco 22" :
Vernon and I are about to build up another 22" wheel proto (fabricated by Matt and Stout Bikes in Houston TX) --- 21.8 tt 12.4 bb 14" rear, 5.3 lbs, straight gauge chromoly:
here's the Webbco on the right:
and . . . from Faction's facebook:
"David Yezeirski, New York trails riding his Zeitgeist bike, photo by Keith Terra 2010 We used this pic for the December advert in Dirt MTB magazine."