The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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Tiger Lily:
I threed the box at woodward west the other day.

Tables, I have never been able to figure them out by myself. My friend told me to turn my bars, it helped a lot.

I also learned disaster to revert. But I only did one and stopped.

sum random dude:
A manual off a ramp into assplant while my bike does a 360 no-hander/no-footer backflip to flop in front of me.

It was most impressive.

As was the feeble into sprocket hold onto your handlebars and try to unfuck yourself grind.


--- Quote from: sum random dude;3030109 ---As was the feeble into sprocket hold onto your handlebars and try to unfuck yourself grind.
--- End quote ---

Those are my favorite. Messing around on a low rail today.

Fakie icepick grinds are serious business.


working on being able to barspin just about anything.


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