The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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Switch feeble to 180* and 360* down ledges.
Getting better at wallrides.

Eyeing up/testing the waters on alot of things I've had on my mind for a while.

I was trying to do the lay your bike down slide around and ride away things. I beat myself up but a few slid.

Admiral Ackbar:

--- Quote from: Eggit2;3383876 ---Whats a bike spin and a bike slide?
--- End quote ---

bike spin is when you spin the bike around sideways on the ground, pivoting around the bar end. and bike slide is where you lay the bike on the ground and kinda surf on top the frame while the bike slides on the ground with the pegs and barend.

im sure they both have different/alternate names but i keep it to the point

one footed manuals, its straining on the arms after a while

I don't ride nearly enough so I just do the tricks I already know how to do in different places.

Latest thing that I tried doing was at Southbank, wallride to to flat from the top of the bank, turned out pretty well. And relearned 5's on banks there too.


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