The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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Tony Harrison:
Fakie hop bars on the flat

Fakie bars in ramp

I did a manual 180 the other day which is weird because I have tried them for years and never really got it.

Oh and 1 handed hang 5's

It has been shitty weather recently but that is what I have learnt since december. I have only rode once this year though.

I learned how to store my bike in the basement and sit on my lazy ass.

The Fresh Pinch:
Icepick to toothpick tap to fakie on the sub.

Like 2 weeks ago I learnt how to do toothpicks over when going across spines. Like as you land tooth the coping. Pretty neat and lots of fun.

after 5 years of working on lookbacks, i tried one on an opposite hip and got it first try


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