The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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first time i've rode in a few weeks, got x-ups dialed and nacs, got foot over bike just need to get more sideways. working on x-up onesies but I just tweak the bars and nosedive really bad.

Why I am always the one to bump this thread? This sport is all about pushing yourself and love hearing about other peoples progression.

Did a canadian nosepick on an 7ft quarter/bank extension.
Hop over crankslides on a small flat rail.
180 to fakie crankslide on an uprail, more of  "kiss" than a real grind, but it locks i good and its tempting on something larger.
Canadian ET nosepicks
Canadian nosepick on a coping to coping spine.

tire feebles on quarters... today i did a feeble where my front tire was riding the tranny.... i calll it the elementry grind, stonegate elementry

I have always loved tire feebles on quarters and never been able to figure them out. Love when people let them get real wild and them pop up to manual or 270 in.

ima learn canadian nosepicks tomorrow on a quarte/bank tmrw, k?


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