The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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sum random dude:

--- Quote from: super.chief;3030110 ---Those are my favorite. Messing around on a low rail today.

Fakie icepick grinds are serious business.
--- End quote ---

My fakie sucks.  Been spending more and more time on it in an effort to fix it, but for the most part I look like an idiot that likes to ride into walls over and over again.

Switch pegging handrails, barspins on really steep banks, switch icepicks on rails, hang 5's, and relearning 720's.

Trying to get back in the game here.

The Sparrow:
Disastar to tiretap to fakie in on quarterpipes.  three to fakie to quick fakie bar on banks. Sooooo hard.

Bar catch bar just last night lots of fun.

Bar catch bar is the worst trick ever invented, man up and do doubles.

I wanted to keep this one in the bag until I could get a good video of it, but oh well. Nac-nac to can-can, rad as fuck. I also have 4 tail whip variations you have never even thought of that will be pulled as soon as my feet figure out where the pedals are.


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