The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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^I love nollies. I'm working on g-turn/nollie 3's on flat. But I've been working on them for a while.

I need to learn a new trick

Hangers on ledges that are about bar height
Seat grab whipper tailers

Toothpick stall a quarter pipe.

Switch Luc-E stalls.
Feeble-switch 180*-fakie switch feeble-to fakie- then switch halfcab out to keep it clean.
360* to switch smith.

The Sparrow:
I forgot a few.

Switch hangers
icepick to et's
ice to hop up manual.
manny to drop smith. (haha)

Ive been working on smith to 180s both ways, but they are a major bitch. i hate them.


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