The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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Trying to commit to four pegs at the moment. Was messing around with switch pegs at the local flat rail this morning.

I've been trying to dial tabletops for like a year.  It's getting close, but I still default to bow legged, and I can seem to get the bars to a full 90 degrees.

I've also been working on backside airs/hips.

I did tailtap to table,xup,turndown on a bigass subbox. I've done xup to tailtap ten years ago but first time on a sub! Bigass sun! Garbage ramps, my and my roommates desks, were moving out in two days
One desk was on its sideat the top of the bank and I did a like270/alleyoop walltap
Some dude was walltap on a free coaster, pretty rad

Sorry for the terrible autocorrects on here. New phone.

theres a new flatrail at my local park so ive been thrashing that doing everything i can out of manuals on it.
(ive done it way better than this but of course as soon as the camera comes out everything goes to shit)

also did some super sketch hangers on it the other day which is a trick ive struggled to commit to. hopefully get them better when i get back, and also manual to hanger

got feeble to crankflip the other week as well, never pulled it in like 10 years of trying before now

I did a tire grab over a hip on saturday, landed back wheel and almost looped out, but I'll count it.

Also gave one-footed x-ups and can cans a go, they were pretty half assed attempts, but I think I'll get them this weekend.


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