The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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--- Quote from: Eggit2;3030158 ---that will be pulled as soon as my feet figure out where the pedals are.
--- End quote ---

:bustin: awesome

Last trick? Fakie switch double peg on a skatepark rail. Does that count?


--- Quote from: super.chief;3030159 ---:bustin: awesome
--- End quote ---
I can't tailwhip, I can only get one foot on every time. But I can find that one foot on 3 whips, downside whips, opposite whips, fastplant to whips, superman to late whips, nac-nac to late whips, and probably a half dozen other whip variations I am forgetting.
It makes me angry ]=

I also spin my whips really strange, all arms and no kick. It starts out slow and then rockets around at light speed. By the end of a day of trying to learn whips my entire foot is black and blue from the cranks smacking into it, but damnit I want whips just for all the crazy variations.

The Sparrow:
^^ thats how my friend does whips. uses absolutely no kick at all. basically a no footer to whip. but i have the same problem with you. i cant for the life of me put my  back foot on my pedal.

I whip I could wish.


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