The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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Prodigal Son:
There's s sweet thing in this I think it's pedal feebs to foot plant hard 180.

Sounds fun to me, like oppo pedal feeble to easy 180 to fastplant/tap to easy 180.


--- Quote from: dude... on September 30, 2015, 07:08:03 PM ---if you were grinding on your back foot side and its also your non drive side and you were grinding on the pedal and bb, i guess if you were quick enough you could take your foot off the pedal and stab it back down onto the ledge quickly for the fastplant and your bike would still be grinding on the bb so wouldnt slide out straight away.

basically you should get a clip of it

--- End quote ---

Why should you be grinding on your BB? When I do pedal grinds, I grind on my pedal only..

some people do them like that, depends how hard you push down on the back pedal. whenever ive done back pedal grinds its always been on my driveside so i end up grinding on the pedal and sprocket, but ive seen plenty of people with their chain on the other side grinding on pedal and bb

sorry, i wasn't on for a while...
i grind on my front foot and plant with the oppo(back)foot.


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