The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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barspins. approximately 7 years ago.


--- Quote from: Eggit2;3030158 ---Bar catch bar is the worst trick ever invented, man up and do doubles.
--- End quote ---

Ive tried those but i think you need a really high seat for them I may be wrong but i cant seem to do I chuck it and it goes bar and a half and stops.

barspin to manual to barspin on this bank to bank thingie, fun.

hop trucks on flat and into mellow banks

loving the barspins right now haha

E.T. to manuel

went on a bit of a "i should have learnt these already" binge.

luc-e to tooth stall on subs/walls.
can plants on lips. still sloppy
downside footjam whips. still sloppy
feeble 180s.. i hate spinning opposite and i cant hardway to save my life so these are still sloppy as hell.

i want to relearn whips and start going barspin hops, only being able to do them out of jmps or hips is a pisser


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