The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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gotta be the heelfilp

Big Ben:
i was gonna make one of these threads last night but didnt bother because ive been mostly practising manuals haha

can do them over manny pads and stuff now, took me 3 years to learn. did a really long one in a carpark as well, feels amazing to finally be able to feel the balance point. i want to be able to hold them as well as i can peg manuals.

before that, best thing i did recently was probably one hand one footer (fishcake) to candybar out of cockmaster. sort of learnt opposite xups as well, want to be able to learn xup can cans so need to get the 1 foot oppo x sorted. no flyouts in durham though :(

Relearnt 180s on my 26". That about it really. Other than that I'm learning how to jump/ride trails at the tabletop track thing in Leicester, Western Park. Pretty fun place.

I really want to be able to manual, I just cant get the pump right. I think I can feel the balance point but cant keep the bike there at all.

barhumps are the only trick i do.


--- Quote from: Big Ben;3030301 ---i was gonna make one of these threads last night but didnt bother because ive been mostly practising manuals haha

can do them over manny pads and stuff now, took me 3 years to learn. did a really long one in a carpark as well, feels amazing to finally be able to feel the balance point. i want to be able to hold them as well as i can peg manuals.

before that, best thing i did recently was probably one hand one footer (fishcake) to candybar out of cockmaster. sort of learnt opposite xups as well, want to be able to learn xup can cans so need to get the 1 foot oppo x sorted. no flyouts in durham though :(
--- End quote ---

Repping the fishcake


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