The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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manual to bunny ET to manual to 180


--- Quote from: Eggit2;3030174 ---I can't tailwhip, I can only get one foot on every time. But I can find that one foot on 3 whips, downside whips, opposite whips, fastplant to whips, superman to late whips, nac-nac to late whips, and probably a half dozen other whip variations I am forgetting.
It makes me angry ]=

I also spin my whips really strange, all arms and no kick. It starts out slow and then rockets around at light speed. By the end of a day of trying to learn whips my entire foot is black and blue from the cranks smacking into it, but damnit I want whips just for all the crazy variations.
--- End quote ---

try to catch the bike earlier. basically aim for it when it's 1/8th of rotation from you. Also, don't think of pedals at first, try to pinch the bike with your feet.
It will be hard to relearn, though

probably bunny jump if that is a tric

just new gaps around town what we have looked at forever. and 180 wallride 180 out

Big Ben:
done a few bars to feebles down little ledges today, hope i can get them more consistant. more importantly i managed to not impale myself on the several occasions where i didnt catch the bars, which is definately a greater achievement for me


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