The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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Disasters to 180s on 1/4s tonight. Never tried them more than a handful of times and got 3 out of four I did.


--- Quote from: russellonabike;3031731 ---Today I was getting my hop 3s past 360 degrees with no pivot. I am pretty stoked and I finally got my chain to stay tight so I don't hear that terrible chain noise that impairs my riding.
--- End quote ---

its the shoddy carpenter who blames his tools.

This thread is what sucks about BMX.

landed a few luc-e to 180s earlier and a few 270 tabes/inverts on a "hip".
pretty siked.

band aid:
last 3 tricks i got were 360 whips, bars, and 180 bars


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