The Street > The Lounge

Last trick you learned?

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I ripped my shirt in half doing a tabletop.

Luc-e Grinds on quarters and double peg stalls to tyretap on quarters.

As Sheils said I'm going to get onto the "I should have learned these already" list. Bars being the first one as I was doing them 2 years ago then just stopped...


--- Quote from: Eggit2;3031684 ---Front peg and pedal with back end dropped? Those are super fun on quarters.
--- End quote ---

learned them on ledges =funnnnnnnn


--- Quote from: dkrider34;3031781 ---its the shoddy carpenter who blames his tools.
--- End quote ---

I know I know, but when my bike feels like shit I can't stand riding it.

I am gonna say luc-e to hop over and over ice back over.

those are both so fun.


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