I've got lots of gear.
Just recently sold my 5D original, and picked up a mark ii. I had both for a while so I snapped a photo of it.

Hasselblad 501C that I am in the process of selling. W/ older Zeiss 150mm 1:4

Gear list:
5D markii
sigma 50mm 1.4 (Awesome lens)
Canon 85mm 1.2L
Canon 17-40mm
B+W filters for most of the lenses. (UV, and a 2 stop grad)
580EX ii
Canon ST-E2
2X PW Plus ii's
Hasselblad 501C
2 umbrellas (silver, white)
190XB Manfrotto tripod
All in a nature trekker AW ii
Various other cleaning bits