This is a great idea. I'd be willing to help out with anything I can. I think that sheep should set up a sub domain on bikeguide (, that is, if he has the extra bandwidth. I'd be more than willing to install a wiki application, and make a theme for it so it fits with BMX. I know that there are a few other designers/developers on here, so I know that they could help with that as well. One thing that would worry me about this wiki though, is that people who don't particularly like bikeguide, can just edit it however they feel. A good way to combat this would to hook the login from the forums to the wiki page, so that only bikeguide members can edit the page. Don't get me wrong, I know that it would be more thorough with more people, but then one little punk could just come in and wipe out everything. We could also ditch the login idea and just have comprehensive back-ups, probably with Cron, unless someone knows of a wiki app that does this automatically. I think bikeguide should defiantly go through with this idea. Good job OP.