The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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Square Pegs:
This is Cosby. Going by the vet's estimations, he should be about 8 or 9. He's been living with me for almost three years now. He is super big and friendly, but he hates other cats. Or any other animal at all for that matter. He enjoys bossing the alley all hours of the day and night. He's my main man.

Miklo Velka:
I have the most awesome black australian shepherd.  I haven't ridden without him in the last two months.  I wish i had a picture.

my baby Riley
11 weeks today

The Sparrow:

--- Quote from: Duncan;3228957 ---Cute fucking dog.
--- End quote ---

I literally went "awhhhh"

Sooooo cute.

EDIT: Same with MichaelShred's

I love those dogs.

Duncan, my dog does the same exact thing with her tongue sticking out a little bit, it's hilarious. I'll try and get a picture because she normally does it when sleeping.


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