The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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my cat monty, he is really old and pretty much sleeps all day. his owners were some arseholes who use to eat in my uncles restuarant, moved to australia and left him in the house. so i adopted him :D

New Puppy :D


--- Quote from: Johnny;3234944 ---Two pigeons...;)

--- End quote ---

I found one of those out in the desert one day. I was whistling to myself jumping around on rocks or whatever and it would imitate the same whistle. I got super creeped out some lurker was going to pedo me. I finally saw the orange tail feathers and went and made friends.

Turns out he hopped about a mile through the desert as his wings were clipped. I found his sucky owner and regret returning him. Those guys are so awesome.e

^ Cheers for sharing the story :cheers:

You should have kept the bird ;)

These two can fly, on the picture the girl has her harness on though (for parrot shows only), she can be a bit wild sometimes... it's for her own safety.

Miklo Velka:
Token hawtie

One of my chinchillas

Two of my chinchillas

I have about 15 other pets but I don't love you guys enough to take that many pictures ;)


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