The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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Dr. Steve Brule:
Earl Grey and Bluebell, my new kittens.

Me and the lady picked up a pup at the animal shelter last week. We think she's a border collie/chihuahua. She's pretty fucking smart. Her name is Pilot.

What a cutie, Donald. Unfortunately, my dog had to get put down a few months ago. His hips were fucked, and he was getting cancer. He was coming up on 15, so it was a good long life for him.

i have a friend named pilot.


--- Quote from: Donald;3483112 ---Me and the lady picked up a pup at the animal shelter last week. We think she's a border collie/chihuahua. She's pretty fucking smart. Her name is Pilot.
--- End quote ---

looks like a better groomed version of my friends dog,


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