The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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rubbish picture of my sisters dog, obe. he's a jack russell/chihuahua cross and is fucking adorable.

i have no pictures of my pets at the moment.

my girl Wedgie.

One of my dogs

Bean Bean by Nick Vergillo, on Flickr

Pippa, she's a German Shepherd from the shelter.  She's around 3 or 4 we think.  Pretty dog aggressive, and scared shitless of all long things (like brooms, we reckon someone abused her pretty good).  She was abandoned at an apartment, weighed 40 lbs when they found her.  She weighs 70 lbs now.

Leela, a Calico from a feral litter someone brought to the vet.  She has gotten huge (she is 15 wks now, well over 5 lbs).  Definitely lives up to her name, as she has horrible depth perception.  She will try to jump from chair to chair or whatever and completely miss.

Fry, a little tiger we got for free on craigslist at about 5 weeks.  He was covered with fleas, super skinny, and anemic.  Fixed him up on a ton of milk and food and now he is getting huge too (he is about 8 wks old now).  He also lives up to his name, as he may be mildly retarded.  

And I threw my coat on the bed and he started to crawl in the pockets, so of course the GF made me put it on and get a picture.

Soon to come, a puppy from a shelter, but not until the cats get a bit bigger.

Tall Opinion:
Our newest little dude.


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