The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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Old pictures of pets long gone.

Cat named Dog

LeBaron-Albino Pac Man frog

A couple of Dumpy's

Alphalpha-Common snapping turtle, found knocking on death's door as a hatchling and was given to me. I raised him for a few years and released in the same preserved land he wandered out of years ago. I miss him.

Four common snappers liberated from sub standard living conditions from a local pet store. I Rehabilitated and released.  


--- Quote from: human;3499555 ---4:10, mind blown.
--- End quote ---

So unexpected, made me laugh like hell!


--- Quote from: eoin.;3496981 ---winston has been missing a few days now. gutted. he's 16, so i'm not surprised to be honest, still sucks though. don't think we'll be getting another cat, i'd love one, but guess i'll wait till i'm moved out.

--- End quote ---

I hope you find him :/  ... My cat is around 13 years old,  Im afraid too that after shes gone i wont be having another cat to have around.  But no cat can replace how great this on is and will be.  

Ill post pictures of my animal later when I get home.

CB4 bil:

It's.. So... Cute...


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