The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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So stoked that the dog and cat combo is working out for you.

Does the dog like going for bike rides?

brian itzaina:

--- Quote from: zane;3517678 ---So stoked that the dog and cat combo is working out for you.
--- End quote ---

Me too, they're literally best friends. Eat, sleep and play together all day.

brian itzaina:

--- Quote from: Cole;3517681 ---Does the dog like going for bike rides?
--- End quote ---

He loves it, this morning while I was getting ready for work he pulled my messenger bag from the closet and crawled in. So he hangs out at the shop most days and I run him home on my lunch.


--- Quote from: brian itzaina;3517689 ---He loves it, this morning while I was getting ready for work he pulled my messenger bag from the closet and crawled in.
--- End quote ---


Dogs and cats are so fucking cute sometimes.


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