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Pets thread.

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you think you're being kind and lovely and nice to it by dressing it up like some attention seeking cunt,
but whats actually happening is you're forcing the animal to do something unnatural for YOUR own pleasure,
its a dog, it wants to run around,sniff things, lick shit, sniff other dogs and generally be a dog,
what it does not want is to be trussed up like paris hiltons handbag so other cunts can point and laugh at it.

if you love that animal then love it for being what it is,
it doesn't belong to you,

treat it with dignity and respect,
rather than treating it as a fucking glorified doll/object.

Damn nitro, you're grumpy tonight.

She's not the typical dog, she'd much rather be around people. She's been that way since she was a pup. If we dress her up for Halloween and she enjoys it then all is well. Get the fuck over it.

brian itzaina:

--- Quote from: nitromors;3523159 ---you think you're being kind and lovely and nice to it by dressing it up like some attention seeking cunt,
but whats actually happening is you're forcing the animal to do something unnatural for YOUR own pleasure,
its a dog, it wants to run around,sniff things, lick shit, sniff other dogs and generally be a dog,
what it does not want is to be trussed up like paris hiltons handbag so other cunts can point and laugh at it.

if you love that animal then love it for being what it is,
it doesn't belong to you,

treat it with dignity and respect,
rather than treating it as a fucking glorified doll/object.
--- End quote ---

My dog has clothes, mostly for pre work trips to the park. But I must say he really enjoys wearing his sweaters. He still does everything the same as if he were naked. Not nearly as big of a deal you seem to try and make it.


--- Quote from: brian itzaina;3523164 ---My dog has clothes,
--- End quote ---

i don't think I need say anymore....


--- Quote from: nitromors;3523159 ---you think you're being kind and lovely and nice to it by dressing it up like some attention seeking cunt,
but whats actually happening is you're forcing the animal to do something unnatural for YOUR own pleasure,
its a dog, it wants to run around,sniff things, lick shit, sniff other dogs and generally be a dog,
what it does not want is to be trussed up like paris hiltons handbag so other cunts can point and laugh at it.

if you love that animal then love it for being what it is,
it doesn't belong to you,

treat it with dignity and respect,
rather than treating it as a fucking glorified doll/object.
--- End quote ---

You know, it is funny you say all of this about dogs being sentient creatures, since you posted that bit about about not buying animals from pet shops a bit earlier.  I honestly don't know why anyone that actually cares about dogs would say "DO NOT BUY A DOG FROM A PET STORE!"

Yeah, some pet shops get dogs from puppy mills.  Puppy mills are bad.  I think we all get that, and they should be shut down.

But for people to get all high and mighty about not supporting puppy farms by not buying a dog from a pet store, well. . .  it is the dog that is losing.  That dog in the pet store window has lived in shit hole it's whole life, been subject to neglect, etc., don't you think THAT dog deserves to go to a good home where it will be treated right?  Nope, most people that actually give a shit about dogs will refuse to go in for it, because they think that somehow by ignoring that dog in the window, they have somehow stopped puppy farms from farming dogs.

So what happens?  That animal instead will most likely go home with some utter asshole, who obviously doens't give a crap about dogs since he bought from a pet store.  No one there will give a shit about that dog, and it will just suffer more, usually ending up a shelter, where then people that do care about dogs will adopt it.  Why not cut out the middle man, yeah?

You want to do something to help?  Then don't say shit like "Don't buy from pet stores!"  Actually fucking do something about where those dogs come from and don't just be a lazy douchebag and refuse to take home a dog from a pet store that is just as deserving as a dog from a shelter.  Fight puppy farms, but don't take it out on the dogs.  It isn't the dogs fault he was bred at a puppy mill.  Fuck.

I am not advocating buying a dog from a pet store vs a adopting a dog from a shelter or finding a breeder.  It is just that people like you are really fucking irritating, going on about how dogs are awesome and need to be treated with respect, but refuse to give a shit about the dogs that are the most neglected.


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