The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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what a fucking retard.

if you keep buying puppies from pet store they'll keep selling them,

this isn't complex logic,

you the buyer actually keep these puppy mills going,

how can you say you love your dog when you know it came from a place like this,

puppy mills are fucking disgusting evil places.

go on watch them,or don't you have the bollocks to watch because you bought your pup from a pet store.

fyi i do regular volunteer work with the RSPCA and several other rescue groups.

how anyone can justify this kind of brutal cruelty i do not know,

I fully agree with your view on puppy mills, and the cruelty that they continue to produce.

I also agree that dogs should be bought from good breeders or rescued.  There will always be people who don't know better to buy from a crappy pet store, but those in the know should either support good breeders who love their dogs or rescue a dog in need of a home.


--- Quote from: nitromors;3523247 ---if you keep buying puppies from pet store they'll keep selling them
--- End quote ---

If you don't buy them, someone else will.

Pretty much^

We've always rescued dogs, but we're not trying to make a fashion statement like a lot of the idiots with their tea-cup dogs. These people will NEVER hear about or let a lone SEE a "puppy mill" I bet you.

Dressing up ANIMALS in clothes is fucking DUMB


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