The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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where you're from has nothing to do with it,
i love america like i love india and japan, its a great place, and i get to shoot guns,

what you are son is a fool,
the world is full of fools just like you,

all i've done is show you and everyone else here,quite how foolish you are dressing your dog up like a doll, like a plaything,
for your amusement,
at the cost of its dignity,

and it is overweight, because you feed to much it to make yourself feel better,and you won't admit youre wrong so it'll live a shorter life and die at an earlier age than it should,

all that remains is for you to admit you bought it from a pet store like petsmart or petco...

accept it,
this is a moral argument you cannot win.

and let the thread back on topic,

my point still stands though,


if you're genuine you'll do the research and find a reputable breeder,
if you don't you are sentencing the animals parents to a living hell.


--- Quote from: nitromors;3523301 ---but if people stopped buying them the pet stores would stop selling them and the farms would close,

again this is very simple logic
--- End quote ---

Sure, simple logic if you remove the fact that there are people out there who don't give a fuck and never will. But in real life, these people do exist and will always be there to buy puppy mill puppies; hence for the pet store(s) it is business as usual.


--- Quote from: ginger;3523337 ---Sure, simple logic if you remove the fact that there are people out there who don't give a fuck and never will. But in real life, these people do exist and will always be there to buy slave farm slaves; hence for the slave trader(s) it is business as usual.
--- End quote ---

"business as usual"  often used to smooth over the morally decrepit,

maybe peoples perceptions will change in time,
if people with a genuine respect for these animals try to change their minds...

animal "lovers" eh?.......who needs them?

certainly not the animals.

Do you love jesus nitro?


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