The Street > The Lounge

Pets thread.

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I got my eye on a yellow lab puppy. A friend of mine is a dog breeder. Gonna pick up the little guy in the next few weeks. Either gonna name him Taj or Tucker. Havent decided yet. But I am very excited. I always had cats growing up, and there is nothin wrong with them. . . but I've always wanted a dog. Im very much alone in my life at the moment so I think a puppy would be good for me.

Pictures when he arives

edit- post above mine = priceless! haha.


Jazz and Nala


--- Quote from: Hank Chinaski;3140405 ---I want a pet too.  Ive never really been without until now, especially not growing up.  I want a dog but dont know if my schedule/living arrangements really allows it.
--- End quote ---

That would suck. I couldn't imagine not being with out a dog. Had once since I was 2. The longest break I had without a pet was like a month. Which was a horrible month, mainly because I missed my dog that had to get put down, but it was just so boring with out a dog to me.


Finnigan! About a year and a month or two, we got him from a shelter in Aurora. Does not shed at all and he will run around my yard at warp speed for the hell of it or until he runs too fast and does a backflip


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